Lecturer Hulin SIDDIK

Hulin Sıddık was born in Nicosia in 1967. She graduated from Kyrenia Anafartalar Lisesi in 1983. SOS Kinderdorf International Certificate in 1993; SOS Kindergarten Educator completed the SOS Kinderdorf Educator Program. In 2007, she received the Early Childhood Educator Mastery Certificate from the TRNC Ministry of National Education and Culture. In 2017, she graduated from Near East University Atatürk Faculty of Education, Department of Basic Education, Department of Preschool Teaching. Then, in 2019, she completed her master's degree at Near East University Preschool Science Department and started her Preschool Education PhD program in the same year (at the thesis stage).

In her professional life, she worked as an early childhood educator, assistant principal and nursery manager in private pre-school education institutions for 25 years between 1993 and 2018. She has been working as a lecturer at Near East University Preschool Teaching Department since 2019. At the same time, she was appointed as the Atatürk Faculty of Education WEB Page Coordinator in September 2022. she serves on TOCAM, Education and Art Subgroup.

Articles in national and international indexed journals; Specialist who gave speeches and presentations at congresses and symposiums. Hulin Sıddık's academic interests include play and movement education in the preschool period, interactive storytelling, and sexual development and education in the preschool period. He is married and has two children.

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